Scripture Verse

Thou hast guided them in Thy strength. Exodus 15:13


Words: Will­iam T. Da­vis, 1870. Da­vis wrote this hymn for the 250th an­ni­ver­sa­ry of the land­ing of the Pil­grims at Ply­mouth, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Music: Duke Street, at­trib­ut­ed to John Hat­ton, 1793 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Da­vis or Hat­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


To Thee, O God, whose guiding hand
Our fathers led across the sea,
And brought them to this barren shore,
Where they might freely worship Thee—

To Thee, O God, whose arm sustained
Their footsteps in this desert land,
Where sickness lurked, and death assailed
And foes beset on every hand—

To Thee, O God, we lift our eyes,
To Thee our grateful voices raise,
And, kneeling at Thy gracious throne,
Devoutly join in hymns of praise.

Our fathers’ God, incline Thine ear,
And listen to our heartfelt prayer;
Surround us with Thy heav’nly grace,
And guard us with Thy constant care.

Our fathers’ God, in Thee we’ll trust,
Sheltered by Thee from every harm;
We’ll follow where Thy hand shall guide,
And lean on Thy sustaining arm.