He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust.
Psalm 91:4
Words: Annie Winthrow, 1885. The earliest source we have seen for these words is The Golden Sheaf, No. 1 (Romney, West Virginia: O. W. Schaeffer, 1885), number 24, where they appear without attribution. Winthrow is credited as the author in Morning Stars, by Tullius C. O’Kane (Cincinnati, Ohio: Cranston & Stowe, 1890), number 23.
Music: Kaibab, O. W. Schaeffer, 1885 (🔊
If you know Schaeffer’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Winthrow, would you send us an e-mail?
Covered with feathers of mercy,
Covered with feathers of love,
Covered from all that might harm me,
Safe till God calls me above.
Under His wings I am trusting,
Under His wings do I hide;
Safe in this beautiful shadow
Let me forever abide.
Here is my refuge and covert,
Under the wings of my God;
Here am I peacefully resting,
Trusting His love and His rod.
Under the wings of His healing,
Under the wings of His might,
Keep me forever, dear Savior,
Sheltered by day and by night.