Scripture Verse

Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28


Words & Mu­sic: Lu­ther B. Brid­gers, in The Re­vi­val No. 6, by Charles D. Till­man (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: 1910), num­ber 2 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Luther B. Bridgers (1884–1948)


Listen, bro­ther, while we sing
As the bells of Hea­ven ring,
Let us tell to you the sto­ry of the cross;
Jesus died to set you free,
That is what He did for me,
As I press along the up­ward way.


Glory to God I’m on my jour­ney home,
Singing and I’m shout­ing as I march along,
I am go­ing by and by, to the pa­lace of the King,
I am press­ing on the up­ward way.

If there’s some­thing else you need,
He your hun­gry soul will feed,
He will sanc­ti­fy and make the tem­ple clean;
He will come in to ab­ide,
Then you’ll sing what­e’er be­tide,
As you press along the up­ward way.


You may think He will not come,
But He will if there is room,
So then, bro­ther, op­en wide to Him the door;
He will search you thro’ and thro’,
Cleanse and make the heart anew,
As you press along the up­ward way.


Say! I real­ly did not know
He could cleanse and fill me so;
But by faith I launched far out away from shore;
’Tis so sweet to know and be
Dead to self, from sin set free,
As you press along the up­ward way.
