Flee as a bird to your mountain.
Psalm 11:1
Words: Richard Burdsall (1735–1824). This hymn first appeared in Burdsall’s Memoirs (York, England: undated) as Now Christ He Is Risen. The version below starts with the second stanza of the original.
Music: Scotland John Clarke (1770–1836) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good picture of Burdsall or Clarke (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The voice of free grace cries,
Escape to the mountain;
For Adam’s lost race
Christ hath opened a fountain:
For sin and uncleanness,
And every transgression,
His blood flows most freely,
In streams of salvation,
His blood flows most freely,
In streams of salvation.
Hallelujah to the Lamb,
Who has purchased our pardon!
We will praise Him again
When we pass over Jordan,
We will praise Him again
When we pass over Jordan.
Now glory to God
In the highest is given;
Now glory to God
Is re-echoed in Heaven;
Around the whole earth
Let us tell the glad story,
And sing of His love,
His salvation and glory,
And sing of His love,
His salvation and glory.
O Jesus, ride on—
Thy kingdom is glorious;
O’er sin, death and hell,
Thou wilt make us victorious:
Thy name shall be praised
In the great congregation,
And saints shall ascribe
Unto Thee their salvation,
And saints shall ascribe
Unto Thee their salvation.
When on Zion we stand,
Having gained the blest shore,
With our harps in our hands,
We will praise evermore;
We’ll range the blest fields
On the banks of the river,
And sing of redemption
Forever and ever,
And sing of redemption
Forever and ever.