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Scripture Verse

Flee as a bird to your mountain. Psalm 11:1


Words: Ri­chard Burd­sall (1735–1824). This hymn first ap­peared in Burd­sall’s Mem­oirs (York, Eng­land: un­dat­ed) as Now Christ He Is Ris­en. The ver­sion be­low starts with the se­cond stan­za of the orig­in­al.

Music: Scot­land John Clarke (1770–1836) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

  • Free Grace J. Kidd, in The Pri­mi­tive Me­tho­dist Hym­nal with Sup­ple­ment, ed­it­ed by George Booth (Lon­don: Pri­mi­tive Me­tho­dist Pub­lish­ing House, 1912), num­ber 238 (🔊 ) (no re­peats)

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Burd­sall or Clarke (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The voice of free grace cries,
Escape to the mount­ain;
For Ad­am’s lost race
Christ hath op­ened a fount­ain:
For sin and un­clean­ness,
And ev­ery trans­gress­ion,
His blood flows most free­ly,
In streams of sal­va­tion,
His blood flows most free­ly,
In streams of sal­va­tion.


Hallelujah to the Lamb,
Who has pur­chased our par­don!
We will praise Him again
When we pass ov­er Jor­dan,
We will praise Him again
When we pass ov­er Jor­dan.

Now glo­ry to God
In the high­est is giv­en;
Now glo­ry to God
Is re-ech­oed in Heav­en;
Around the whole earth
Let us tell the glad sto­ry,
And sing of His love,
His sal­va­tion and glo­ry,
And sing of His love,
His sal­va­tion and glo­ry.


O Je­sus, ride on—
Thy king­dom is glo­ri­ous;
O’er sin, death and hell,
Thou wilt make us vic­tor­ious:
Thy name shall be praised
In the great con­gre­ga­tion,
And saints shall as­cribe
Unto Thee their sal­va­tion,
And saints shall as­cribe
Unto Thee their sal­va­tion.


When on Zi­on we stand,
Having gained the blest shore,
With our harps in our hands,
We will praise ev­er­more;
We’ll range the blest fields
On the banks of the riv­er,
And sing of re­demp­tion
Forever and ev­er,
And sing of redemp­tion
Forever and ev­er.
