Scripture Verse

Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57


James A. Butterfield

Words: Hen­ry S. Per­kins, The Ri­ver of Life (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1873).

Music: James A. But­ter­field (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a larg­er pho­to of But­ter­field (at least 200x300),

Henry S. Perkins (1833–1914)


Thanks be to God for the vic­to­ry ov­er sin;
Thanks for His Word and the teach­ing there­in;
Thanks for His Son whom He sent to pro­claim
Tidings of good, and the earth to re­claim.


Sing loud ho­san­na! Sing loud ho­san­na!
The vic­to­ry’s gained o’er sin;
Loud swell the an­them by an­gels and by men;
Glory to God for the vic­to­ry ov­er sin.

Thanks for the gift of His lov­ed, His on­ly Son;
Thanks for the work which on earth He be­gun;
Thanks for the peace which it brings to the soul,
Working for Je­sus, His love to un­fold.


Thanks for re­demp­tion, and pur­chase by His blood;
Thanks for the love He has taught in His Word;
Thanks for His Spir­it, for­ev­er to reign,
Peace on the earth, and good will un­to men.
