We…will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
Words & MuÂsic: George C. RumÂley, in The PiÂlot (LeÂnoir, North CaÂroÂliÂna: TeachÂers’ MuÂsic PubÂlishÂing, 1914), numÂber 6 (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of RumÂley (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
We’ve loved ones just ovÂer the turÂbuÂlent tide,
On HeavÂen’s bright, beauÂtiÂful shore;
In manÂsions of rapÂture they’ll evÂer abide,
And JeÂsus, our SavÂior, adore.
They’re waitÂing and watchÂing for me,
In manÂsions just ovÂer the sea;
With Christ and the ranÂsomed forÂevÂer to be,
My loved ones are waitÂing for me.
They’ve passed from this vale to a land of deÂlight,
The beauÂties of HeavÂen to see;
Where comÂeth no night, and our Lord is the light,
My loved ones are waitÂing for me.
Prepare us, dear SavÂior, to meet them up there,
When we to life’s closÂing shall come;
We fain would esÂcape an eterÂnal desÂpair,
And share in Thy gloÂriÂous home.