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Scripture Verse

I shall go to him…he shall not return to me. 2 Samuel 12:23


Words: Paul M. Rus­sell, in The Voice of Joy, ed­it­ed by James Ro­se­crans (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1882), num­ber 82, alt.

Music: James H. Ro­se­crans (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

James H. Rosecrans


On that shore, on that bright gold­en shore,
Where the dark­ness of night is un­known;
Where the bright an­gels stand ev­er­more,
Glory-crowned at the Fa­ther’s great throne;
They are wait­ing to wel­come us there,
To the joys and eter­nal delight,
Of a home in that man­sion so fair,
Where earth’s sor­rows shall fade from our sight.


They are wait­ing, they are wait­ing,
They are wait­ing to wel­come us there.
They are wait­ing, they are wait­ing,
They are wait­ing to wel­come us there.

By and by we shall rest in that land,
With the loved and the lost gone be­fore;
By and by we will join that glad band,
And ho­san­nas will sing ev­er­more;
Heaven’s king in His beau­ty we’ll see,
And the wealth of that city un­rolled,
And O what a glad day ’twill be,
When we stand in that ci­ty of gold.


Every day we are near­ing the shore,
All the sor­rows of earth soon shall cease;
We will soon hear the dip of the oar,
Soon re­pose in that ha­ven of peace;
O how hap­py are they who have gone
To that realm of eter­ni­ty fair!
They are wait­ing, their pil­grim­age done,
They are wait­ing to wel­come us there.
