Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5
Words: Johann F. Räder (1815–1872) (Harre, Meine Seele). Translated from German to English by Julius H. Horstmann, 1908, and John C. Hansen, 1916.
Music: Harre meine Seele H. A. César Malan (1787–1864) (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Horstmann or Hansen (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares upon Him who guides all thy ways.
Do not despair; as the morning fair
Scatters fog and darkness, God removes thy care.
’Midst all thy trials, in all thy care
God remains thy faithful friend everywhere.
Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares upon Him who guides all thy ways.
Perish what will, God is refuge still;
Greater than the Helper is not any ill.
Faithful, eternal Savior and friend,
Save my soul from evil unto the end.
Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares upon Him who guides all thy ways.
Take up thy cross; count it not a loss,
For the heat of sorrow melts away the dross.
Jesus, dear Savior, patient and mild,
Let me be obedient, a trusting child.
Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares upon Him who guides all thy ways.
On bended knee, Lord, I cry to Thee;
Shield my soul from evil; to Thy cross I flee.
Gracious Redeemer, mighty and strong,
Let me sing rejoicing the victor’s song.