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Scripture Verse

Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5


César Malan (1787–1864)

Words: Jo­hann F. Rä­der (1815–1872) (Harre, Meine Seele). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ju­li­us H. Horst­mann, 1908, and John C. Han­sen, 1916.

Music: Harre meine Seele H. A. Cé­sar Ma­lan (1787–1864) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Horst­mann or Han­sen (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares up­on Him who guides all thy ways.
Do not des­pair; as the morn­ing fair
Scatters fog and dark­ness, God re­moves thy care.
’Midst all thy tri­als, in all thy care
God re­mains thy faith­ful friend ev­ery­where.

Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares up­on Him who guides all thy ways.
Perish what will, God is re­fuge still;
Greater than the Help­er is not any ill.
Faithful, eter­nal Sav­ior and friend,
Save my soul from ev­il un­to the end.

Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares up­on Him who guides all thy ways.
Take up thy cross; count it not a loss,
For the heat of sor­row melts away the dross.
Jesus, dear Sav­ior, pa­tient and mild,
Let me be obe­di­ent, a trust­ing child.

Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy days;
Cast thy cares up­on Him who guides all thy ways.
On bend­ed knee, Lord, I cry to Thee;
Shield my soul from ev­il; to Thy cross I flee.
Gracious Re­deem­er, migh­ty and strong,
Let me sing re­joic­ing the vic­tor’s song.