Scripture Verse

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5


Angeline A. F. Fischer (1841–1925)

Words: An­ge­line A. F. Fisch­er, in The Gos­pel Sing­er, ed­it­ed by Phil­ip Phil­lips (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Lee and Walk­er, 1874), page 137. This book shows the au­thor as Miss An­gie A. Full­er, her maid­en name. A mo­di­fied ver­sion of these lyr­ics ap­peared in Fisch­er’s The Ven­ture (De­troit, Mi­chi­gan: J. N. Will­iams, 1883), pag­es 129–30.

Music: Frank French (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of French (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),



I am wait­ing, only wait­ing,
I am wait­ing ev­ery day,
For my pass­port to that coun­try
Where the pure and ho­ly stay;


Where the air is al­ways balmy,
And the sky is al­ways clear,
And from my­ri­ad harps and voic­es
Music falls up­on the ear.


Waiting! wait­ing! wait­ing ev­ery day
For my pass­port to that count­ry,
Where the pure and ho­ly stay.


Life has brought me much of sor­row,
Weary toil, and hea­vy loss,
And my feet oft slipped and fal­tered
While I bore sin’s hea­vy cross;


But I found the Rock of Ag­es,
All my hopes on Him I cast,
And He proves a sure foun­da­tion
That up­holds me to the last.



Now my pil­grim­age is ended,
All my la­bor is com­plete,
Fast the sands of time are slip­ping
From be­neath my fee­ble feet;


But with calm and trust­ful spirit,
And a heart aglow with love,
I am wait­ing for my pas­sport
To that bet­ter world above.
