Scripture Verse

Jesus Himself drew near, and went with them. Luke 24:15


T. Martin Towne (1835–1912)

Words: Da­vid C. Cook, Wel­come Songs (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Da­vid C. Cook, 1894), num­ber 85.

Music: Da­vid C. Cook, har­mo­ny by T. Mar­tin Towne (🔊 pdf nwc).

David C. Cook (1850–1927)
Courtesy of
World Sunday School


Walking with God, walk­ing with God;
Higher His ways than the hea­vens are,
Far, far away from earth’s vain care,
Walking, walk­ing with God.


Walking with God by night and day;
Walking with God the star­ry way;
Walking with Him eter­nal­ly,
Walking, walk­ing with God.

Walking with God, walk­ing with God,
Out of at­tract­ions of earth com­plete,
Sheltered and loved in His re­treat,
Walking, walk­ing with God.


Walking with God, walk­ing with God,
Far, far above earth’s clouds and storms,
Where no­thing comes that hurts or harms,
Walking, walk­ing with God.
