Jesus Himself drew near, and went with them.
Luke 24:15
Words: David C. Cook, Welcome Songs (Chicago, Illinois: David C. Cook, 1894), number 85.
Music: David C. Cook, harmony by T. Martin Towne (🔊
Walking with God, walking with God;
Higher His ways than the heavens are,
Far, far away from earth’s vain care,
Walking, walking with God.
Walking with God by night and day;
Walking with God the starry way;
Walking with Him eternally,
Walking, walking with God.
Walking with God, walking with God,
Out of attractions of earth complete,
Sheltered and loved in His retreat,
Walking, walking with God.
Walking with God, walking with God,
Far, far above earth’s clouds and storms,
Where nothing comes that hurts or harms,
Walking, walking with God.