Scripture Verse

The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass. Revelation 21:21


George C. Hugg (1848–1907)

Words: A. S. Dough­ty, 1880.

Music: George C. Hugg (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Dough­ty’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Who, who are these
Clothed in gar­ments pure and white?
Walking the streets of that ci­ty fair and bright,
Dwelling in light where no
Burning rays are known,
Standing near the great eter­nal throne.


Walking thro’ the streets, walk­ing thro’ the streets,
Walking thro’ the streets of the New Je­ru­sa­lem.

These, these are they
Who through tri­bu­la­tion came,
Bearing the cross—
Who en­dured re­proach and shame;
Having their robes washed in
Blood of Cal­va­ry’s Lamb,
Therefore do they bear the con­quer­or’s palm.


Therefore they dwell
With the Sav­ior they be­hold,
Walk through the streets
That are paved with pur­est gold,
Freed from all sor­row,
They shout o’er con­flict passed,
Praise to Je­sus—vic­to­ry at last.
