Yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.
Psalm 68:13
Words: Luella F. Cole, in Good Will, by T. Martin Towne & Jairus M. Stillman (Chicago, Illinois: Fleming H. Revell, 1878).
Music: Jairus M. Stillman (🔊 ).
If you know where to get a good photo of Cole (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Yet shall ye be as a dove’s shining wings,
Covered with silver and gold;
Gracious assurance the Word ever brings,
Promise of beauty untold.
Shine on us, Savior, oh, shed forth Thy love;
Make us as white as the wings of a dove;
Shine on us, Savior, oh, shed forth Thy love;
Make us as white as the wings of a dove.
What tho’ our tent-homes are covered with dust,
While thro’ life’s desert we move;
Time cometh when they shall flutter, we trust,
White as the wings of a dove.
What tho’ our garments like leprosy cling,
Robes of self-righteousness wove;
Praises to Jesus! for yet we may sing,
Clad as the wings of a dove.
What tho’ we lie ’midst the filth of the earth,
Or as a prodigal rove;
We may come up from the Spirit’s new birth,
Clean as the wings of a dove.
What tho’ for years we have wandered in sin,
And ’gainst the Good Spirit strove;
Thro’ Heaven’s portals we yet may go in,
Pure as the wings of a dove.