Scripture Verse

Yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold. Psalm 68:13


Jairus M. Stillman (1834–1917)

Words: Lu­el­la F. Cole, in Good Will, by T. Mar­tin Towne & Jai­rus M. Stillman (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1878).

Music: Jai­rus M. Still­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cole (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Yet shall ye be as a dove’s shin­ing wings,
Covered with sil­ver and gold;
Gracious as­sur­ance the Word ev­er brings,
Promise of beau­ty un­told.


Shine on us, Sav­ior, oh, shed forth Thy love;
Make us as white as the wings of a dove;
Shine on us, Sav­ior, oh, shed forth Thy love;
Make us as white as the wings of a dove.

What tho’ our tent-homes are co­vered with dust,
While thro’ life’s de­sert we move;
Time com­eth when they shall flut­ter, we trust,
White as the wings of a dove.


What tho’ our gar­ments like le­pro­sy cling,
Robes of self-right­eous­ness wove;
Praises to Je­sus! for yet we may sing,
Clad as the wings of a dove.


What tho’ we lie ’midst the filth of the earth,
Or as a pro­di­gal rove;
We may come up from the Spir­it’s new birth,
Clean as the wings of a dove.


What tho’ for years we have wan­dered in sin,
And ’gainst the Good Spir­it strove;
Thro’ Hea­ven’s por­tals we yet may go in,
Pure as the wings of a dove.
