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Scripture Verse

Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3


Words & Mu­sic: Car­rie B. Ad­ams, 1898 (🔊 ).

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Carrie B. Adams (1859–1940)


We’re sol­diers in the ar­my
Of the Lord, our king;
Let us glad­ly sing, let our voic­es ring!
We’re march­ing on to vic­to­ry
With our ban­ner bright,
On the side of right, and the Lord’s our light!
At the call of du­ty we will for­ward go,
With our mas­ter, Je­sus,
’Gainst the brav­est foe;
With Him as our com­mand­er,
This we sure­ly know,
That we’ll con­quer in His name.


Then march, march for­ward
With the Lord, our king;
Then march, march for­ward,
Let us glad­ly sing;
Our watch­word For­ward!
Let our voic­es ring!
All faith in Je­sus Christ our king.
Then march, march for­ward
With the Lord, our king;
Then march, march for­ward,
Let us glad­ly sing;
Our watch­word For­ward!
Let our voic­es ring!
All faith in Je­sus Christ our king.

We’re march­ing with our ba­nner
Floating in the air;
See! ’tis pure and fair, Je­sus’ name is there!
And while we’re press­ing on­ward
With our cour­age strong,
If the way is long, cheer it with a song.
If we strive to do our mas­ter’s bid­ding here,
We will win the bat­tle,
Trust Him, nev­er fear!
Then sing in loud ho­san­nas
To that name so dear,
Glorify our Lord and king!
