Scripture Verse

Now the God of peace…make you perfect in every good work to do His will. Hebrews 13:20–21


Words: R. Cov­ing­ton Stamp­ley, in Car­ol Crown, by James D. Vaugh­an et al. (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1915), num­ber 12.

Music: N. E. Can­non (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Stamp­ley or Can­non’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We are work­ing for the King,
And His prais­es we will sing,
As we bat­tle thro’ this wick­ed world of sin;
Ever tell­ing of His love,
Pointing oth­er souls above,
Ever striv­ing hard the crown of life to win.


We are work­ing, ev­er working for the King,
And His prais­es, glo­ri­ous prais­es we will sing;
We will ev­er watch and pray,
And keep bu­sy ev­ery day,
While we’re work­ing, ev­er work­ing for the King.

We will ev­er watch and pray,
As we jour­ney on our way,
Ever trust­ing Him who gave His life to save;
Ever press­ing on and on,
Till the vic­to­ry is won,
And we reach that bliss­ful home be­yond the grave.


There our joy will be com­plete,
When our Sav­ior we shall greet,
In that bright eter­nal ci­ty built above;
There with loved ones gone be­fore,
Praising Him for­ev­er­more,
Resting sweet­ly in the full­ness of His love.
