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Scripture Verse

We are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3:9


Henry T. Smart (1813–1879)

Words: Ste­phen Po­po­vich, 2015 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Re­gent Square Hen­ry T. Smart, in Psalms and Hymns for Di­vine Wor­ship (Lon­don: 1867) (🔊 ).

Stephen Popovich (1953–)


We the blessed of re-cre­ation,
Yet be­tray our car­nal tent,
That by strife will rend re­la­tions,
Where the Spir­it strives to mend
By the word we should be shar­ing,
For the growth of God’s de­sign.

We as one in truth are well­ing,
For Thy field and Cor­ner­stone;
Joined as one in root and dwell­ing,
Yet re­wards re­ceive alone.
So, with ho­ly fear and car­ing,
May our gifts ex­alt the Vine.

When we stand be­fore the Cor­ner
Will His voice as fire ap­praise
Work our hands pur­sued as dross or
Gold and jew­els to be dis­played
For His glo­ry, ev­er bear­ing
Works un­end­ing and di­vine.

May on earth we ha­bi­ta­tions
Of Thy Spir­it and His tools
Build in truth on Thy foun­da­tion
Gain for Thy eter­nal use
That Thy flame re­veals us wear­ing
Crowns the fire will re­fine.

Ways of men will vaunt then van­ish
To their place of thorns and dust
But in Christ, where pride is ban­ished,
Grace is gain­ing as we trust,
Not in words of self-com­par­ing,
But in whom our souls re­side.