Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Edith S. Tillotson, 1903.
Music: Ira B. Wilson (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Tillotson, would you send us an e-mail?
While Christmas lights are shining,
And Christmas carols ring,
While holly wreaths are twining,
And happy children sing,
We gather with rejoicing,
We march upon our way,
With music sweet, we gladly greet
The merry Christmas Day.
While Christmas chimes are ringing,
We come today,
And Christmas songs we’re singing
Along the way,
Our banners raising,
With hymns of praising,
We come this Christmas Day.
While Christmas bells are ringing,
And Christmas greetings sound,
While happy lips are singing,
As hearts with pleasure bound,
We come with songs of gladness,
That echo far away,
Our voices raise a hymn of praise,
For merry Christmas Day.
While Christmas songs are swelling,
And Christmas garlands glow,
While loving words are telling,
The tale that well we know,
We meet again to welcome
The season glad and gay,
The blessèd morn when Christ was born,
The merry Christmas Day.