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Scripture Verse

I will arise and go to my father. Luke 15:18


Words: Nell Ray, in Tell­ing Je­sus (Hud­son, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1922), num­ber 58.

Music: No­ble W. Ridge­way (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ray or Ridge­way (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Welcome home, O wan­der­ing child,
Leave sin’s mount­ain dark and wild;
Hear the Fa­ther’s voice now
Bidding you re­turn!
Worldly plea­sures are but vain,
In their midst, O why re­main?
Enter now the nar­row way,
Its rap­ture learn!


Do you hear the in­vi­ta­tion:
Welcome home, O wan­der­ing child!
For your soul there’s free sal­va­tion,
Welcome home to­day,
O wea­ry, wan­der­ing child.

Welcome home—O words of cheer,
Falling on the sin­ner’s ear;
Fully trust in Him, the
Only re­fuge true!
Whosoever will may come
Unto par­don, love, and home,
And be hap­py thro’ His
Wondrous grace anew.


Welcome home, the Sav­ior stands
With ex­tend­ed, plead­ing hands;
Will you tar­ry, and His
Heart so ten­der grieve?
There is dan­ger if you wait,
Since the hour is grow­ing late,
Come to­day, be­hind you
Sin and sor­row leave.
