I will arise and go to my father.
Luke 15:18
Words: Nell Ray, in Telling Jesus (Hudson, North Carolina: Teachers’ Music Publishing, 1922), number 58.
Music: Noble W. Ridgeway (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Ray or Ridgeway (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Welcome home, O wandering child,
Leave sin’s mountain dark and wild;
Hear the Father’s voice now
Bidding you return!
Worldly pleasures are but vain,
In their midst, O why remain?
Enter now the narrow way,
Its rapture learn!
Do you hear the invitation:
Welcome home, O wandering child!
For your soul there’s free salvation,
Welcome home today,
O weary, wandering child.
Welcome home—O words of cheer,
Falling on the sinner’s ear;
Fully trust in Him, the
Only refuge true!
Whosoever will may come
Unto pardon, love, and home,
And be happy thro’ His
Wondrous grace anew.
Welcome home, the Savior stands
With extended, pleading hands;
Will you tarry, and His
Heart so tender grieve?
There is danger if you wait,
Since the hour is growing late,
Come today, behind you
Sin and sorrow leave.