Scripture Verse

They sang a new song before the throne. Revelation 14:3


Words & Mu­sic: T. Ralph Cruce, in Glad News, ed­it­ed by W. N. Cook (Hud­son, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1916), num­ber 112 (🔊 pdf nwc). Note: Due to ma­ny er­rors in the 1916 score, this song in its orig­in­al form is best suit­ed for a trained choir. It would re­quire sig­ni­fi­cant adap­ta­tion be­fore use in con­gre­ga­tion­al sing­ing.

If you know Cruce’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When on earth we have run the Chris­tian’s race,
And are ga­thered home as heirs of grace,
Safe with­in the pal­ace of our king,
His un­end­ing prais­es we shall sing.


We shall sing, we shall sing
With the an­gels and the ran­somed ones ab­ove;
We shall sing, we shall sing,
Praising Jesus for His great re­deem­ing love.

Clad in beau­ti­ful robes of spot­less white,
Truly serv­ing Him who is the light;
Heaven’s arch­es shall with mu­sic ring,
As in one glad chor­us we shall sing.


Oh! the joy when we’re ga­thered round the throne,
Our Re­deem­er’s name to praise and own;
From all pain and sor­row to be free,
We shall sing through­out eter­ni­ty!
