Scripture Verse

Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 2 Corinthians 7:10


Ray Palmer (1808–1887)

Words: Will­iam Will­iams (1717–1791) (O Flaen y Fainc Rhaid Sefyll). Trans­lat­ed from Welsh to Eng­lish by Ray Pal­mer, 1834.

Music: Bryn­iau Cas­sia, old Welsh tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Williams (1717–1791)


We stand in deep re­pent­ance
Before Thy throne of love;
O God of grace, for­give us,
The stain of guilt re­move;
Behold us while with weep­ing
We lift our eyes to Thee,
And, all our sins sub­du­ing,
Our Fa­ther, set us free.
Free! free! Our Fa­ther, set us free!
And all our sins sub­du­ing,
Our Fa­ther, set us free!

O shouldst Thou from us sin­ners
Withhold Thy grace to guide,
Forever we should wan­der
From Thee, and peace, aside;
But Thou to spir­its con­trite
Dost light and life im­part,
That man may learn to serve Thee
With thank­ful, joy­ous heart.
Joy! joy! With thank­ful, joy­ous heart!
That man may learn to serve Thee
With thank­ful, joy­ous heart.

Our souls—on Thee we cast them,
Our on­ly re­fuge Thou!
Thy cheering words revive us,
When pressed with grief we bow;
Thou bear’st the trust­ing spir­it
Upon Thy lov­ing breast,
And giv­est all Thy ran­somed
A sweet, un­end­ing rest.
Rest! rest! A sweet, un­end­ing rest;
And giv­est all Thy ran­somed
A sweet, un­end­ing rest!