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Scripture Verse

What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30


Words: Jo­nas W. Hol­man, 1852.

Music: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hol­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William Bradbury


O! what shall I do to be saved
From the sor­rows that bur­den my soul?
Like the waves in the storm
When the winds are at war,
Chilling floods of dis­tress o’er me roll.
What shall I do? what shall I do?
O! what shall I do to be saved?

O! what shall I do to be saved
When the plea­sures of youth are all fled?
And the friends I have loved,
From the earth are re­moved
And I weep o’er the graves of the dead?
What shall I do? what shall I do?
O! what shall I do to be saved?

O! what shall I do to be saved
When sick­ness my strength shall sub­due?
Or the world in a day,
Like a cloud roll away,
And eter­ni­ty opens to view?
What shall I do? what shall I do?
O! what shall I do to be saved?

O! Lord, look in mer­cy on me,
Come, O come and speak peace to my soul:
Unto whom shall I flee,
Dearest Lord, but to Thee,
Thou canst make my poor, brok­en heart whole.
That will I do! that will I do!
To Je­sus I’ll go and be saved!