Be…ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.
Matthew 24:44
Words: Barney E. Warren, Salvation Echoes (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet, 1900), number 73.
Music: Clarence E. Hunter (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Hunter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
What if the Master should come tonight?
Would you be ready to go?
Can you now say you have done the right,
Or must you with shame say no?
What if the Master should come?
What if the Master should come?
Will you be ready, waiting to go?
Oh, what if the Master should come?
What if the Master should come tonight?
Would you not tremble with fears?
Or could you welcome that blissful sight,
Without bitter sighs or tears?
What if the Master should come tonight?
What if He’d say unto thee:
Are you in darkness or in the light?
Then what would your answer be?
What if the Master should come tonight?
Summon you up to His throne,
Open the books in His judgment light,
And sentence to woeful doom?