Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
Revelation 14:13
Words: Joseph Swain, Walworth Hymns (London: J. Matthews, 1792), number 4.
Music: Song 67 (Gibbons) Orlando Gibbons, 1623. Arranged by Henry T. Smart (1813–1879) (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
What is it for a saint to die,
That we the thought should fear?
’Tis but to pass the heav’nly sky,
And leave pollution here.
True, Jordan’s stream is wondrous deep,
And Canaan’s walls are high;
But He, that guards us while we sleep,
Can guide us when we die.
A parting world, a gaping tomb,
Corruption and disease,
Are thorny paths to Heav’n our home,
And doors to endless bliss!
Eternal glory just before,
And Jesus waiting there,
A heav’nly gale to waft us o’er—
What have the saints to fear?