Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
Matthew 25:1
Words & Music: Barney E. Warren, Truth in Song (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet Publishing, 1907), number 55 (🔊
Precious soul, prepare for the midnight call,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes
For the solemn change is awaiting all,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
Oh, be ready when the Bridegroom comes!
Oh, be ready when the Bridegroom comes!
Will your lamp be burning at the Lord’s returning?
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
Like the virgins wise fill your lamps with oil,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes;
Let not sin your faithful efforts foil,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
Then avail yourself of a full supply,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes;
Never idle sit till your lamp burns dry,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
Then awake, dear soul, you’re in sin’s dark night,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes;
Let your lamp burn bright with a clear, good light,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes.
Do not sleep, pour soul, till your lamp goes out—
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes;
Till the Lord returns with a mighty shout,
Be ready when the Bridegroom comes.