Scripture Verse

Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Matthew 25:6


Words & Mu­sic: Ro­bert E. Win­sett, in Crown­ing Car­ols (Wa­co, Tex­as: Trio Mu­sic, 1908) (🔊 pdf nwc): De­di­cat­ed to Em­ma­nu­el Bi­ble Col­lege at Beu­lah, Dox­ey, Ok­la[ho­ma].

Robert E. Winsett


Virgins with Lamps

I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes,
I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes;
I am cleansed from ev­ery sin,
Have the life of Christ with­in;
I’ll be rea­dy for the end,
When He comes.


I’ll be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes,
I’ll be rea­dy when the Bride­groom comes.
Be it noon or be it night,
I’ll be robed in spot­less white,
Have my lamp all burn­ing bright,
When He comes.

I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes,
I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes;
On the fi­nal judg­ment day,
I’ll be robed in bright ar­ray,
And go home with Him to stay,
When He comes.


I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes,
I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes;
Soon I’ll see my Sav­ior’s face,
Learn His love for hu­man race,
How my soul was saved by grace,
When He comes.


I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes,
I’ll be rea­dy to go when the Bride­groom comes;
I’ll be watch­ing for my Lord,
I’ll be an­chored on His Word,
Waiting then to be trans­ferred,
When He comes.
