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Scripture Verse

Will You sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Genesis 18:23


Words: Eli­za­beth Scott, in the Col­lect­ion of Hymns Adapt­ed to Pub­lic Wor­ship, by John Ash and Cal­eb Ev­ans (Bris­tol, Eng­land: 1769). For a Fast Day.

Music: New Bri­tain, Vir­gin­ia Har­mo­ny, by James P. Car­rell & Da­vid S. Clay­ton (Win­ches­ter, Vir­gin­ia: 1831) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Scott (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When Ab­ra’m, full of sac­red awe,
Before Je­ho­vah stood,
And with a hum­ble, fer­vent pray­er,
For guil­ty So­dom sued—

With what suc­cess, what won­drous grace,
Was his pe­ti­tion crowned!
The Lord would spare, if in the place
Ten right­eous men were found.

And could a single pi­ous soul
So rich a boon ob­tain?
Great God, and shall a na­tion cry,
And plead with Thee in vain?

Are not the right­eous dear to Thee
Now, as in an­cient times?
Or does this sin­ful land ex­ceed
Gomorrah in her crimes?

Still we are Thine; we bear Thy name;
Here yet is Thine ab­ode;
Long has Thy pre­sence blessed our land—
Forsake us not, O God.