The beggar died, and was carried by the angels.
Luke 16:22
Words: George Dunn, in Songs for Jesus No. 5 (Greensboro, Georgia: Frank M. Graham, 1914), number 152.
Music: Will A. Aders (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Dunn or Aders (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Savior, when my life has ended,
When my work on earth is done,
When the angels have descended,
To convey my spirit home,
May my life be full of beauty,
May I still be true to Thee,
Standing at my post of duty,
When the angels come for me.
When the angels come for me,
I believe that I will see
Spirit forms so bright and fair,
As they hover in the air.
Savior, when my feet, so weary,
Reach their journey’s end at last,
Oft the road’s been sad and dreary,
Many dangers I have passed,
May my journey be victorious,
May my life appear to Thee,
Shining as my crown so glorious,
When the angels come for me.
Savior, when my loved ones, weeping,
And my friends are drawing near,
Bending low and silence keeping,
That my last words they may hear,
May the life work I have given
On Thine own fair record be
Spotless as my robe in Heaven,
When the angels come for me.