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Scripture Verse

The beggar died, and was carried by the angels. Luke 16:22


Words: George Dunn, in Songs for Je­sus No. 5 (Greens­bo­ro, Georg­ia: Frank M. Gra­ham, 1914), num­ber 152.

Music: Will A. Aders (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dunn or Ad­ers (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Savior, when my life has end­ed,
When my work on earth is done,
When the an­gels have des­cend­ed,
To con­vey my spir­it home,
May my life be full of beau­ty,
May I still be true to Thee,
Standing at my post of du­ty,
When the an­gels come for me.


When the an­gels come for me,
I be­lieve that I will see
Spirit forms so bright and fair,
As they ho­ver in the air.

Savior, when my feet, so wea­ry,
Reach their jour­ney’s end at last,
Oft the road’s been sad and drea­ry,
Many dan­gers I have passed,
May my jour­ney be vic­tor­ious,
May my life ap­pear to Thee,
Shining as my crown so glo­ri­ous,
When the an­gels come for me.


Savior, when my loved ones, weep­ing,
And my friends are draw­ing near,
Bending low and si­lence keep­ing,
That my last words they may hear,
May the life work I have giv­en
On Thine own fair re­cord be
Spotless as my robe in Heav­en,
When the an­gels come for me.
