Scripture Verse

Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Matthew 25:6


Words: G. M. Bills, 1899.

Music: Mat­thew L. Mc­Phail (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Bills’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Matthew L. McPhail


When the Bride­groom call­eth from the skies—
For His jew­els white and fair;
At the bliss­ful crown­ing of the wise,
Who will be in­vit­ed there?


All the wise will be in­vit­ed,
When He call­eth to the crown­ing;
All the wise will be in­vit­ed,
To the feast of the Lamb.

When the Bride­groom call­eth for His bride,
And the pure His pal­ace throng;
There while count­less ages sweet­ly glide,
She will sing re­demp­tion’s song.


When the Bride­groom call­eth from their toil,
All who hold His name most dear;
Who with care have filled their lamps with oil,
And await His com­ing near.


When the Bride­groom call­eth from repose,
Those who rest from ho­ly strife;
When re­wards for ser­vice He be­stows,
Who will wear a crown of life?


When the Bride­groom sounds the fi­nal call,
And the scroll shall be un­rolled,
When the vic­tors cross the jas­per sea,
Who will tread the streets of gold?
