Scripture Verse

A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. Joel 2:2


James Montgomery (1771–1854)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: James Mont­go­me­ry (1771–1854).

Music: Geth­se­ma­ne (Ou­se­ley) Fred­er­ick A. Gore-Ou­se­ley, 1869 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Davies (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Frederick A. Gore-Ouseley (1825–1889)


When in dark and dread­ful gloom,
Clouds on clouds por­tent­ous spread,
Black as if the day of doom
Hung o’er na­ture’s shrink­ing head:
When the light­ning breaks from high,
God is com­ing—God is nigh!

Then we hear His cha­ri­ot wheels,
As the migh­ty thun­der rolls;
Nature, star­tled na­ture reels,
From the cen­ter to the poles;
Then the ocean, earth and sky,
Tremble as He pass­es by.

Darkness, wild with hor­ror, forms
His mys­te­ri­ous hid­ing place;
Should He from His ark of storms,
Rend the veil and show His face,
At the judg­ment of His eye,
All the uni­verse would die!

God of ven­geance! from above,
While Thine aw­ful bolts are hurled,
O re­mem­ber Thou art love!
Spare! O spare a guil­ty world!
Stay Thy flam­ing wrath awhile,
Let the bow of pro­mise smile!

When the last dread day ap­pears
Bursting wide from pole to pole,
When amid the shi­ver­ing spheres,
Twice ten thou­sand thun­ders roll;
When the dream of time shall end,
May I find the Judge my friend!