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Scripture Verse

That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. Mark 1:32–34


William J. Dawson (1854–1928)

Words: Will­iam J. Daw­son (1854–1928).

Music: Stock­well New Cal­vin W. Lauf­er, 1928 (🔊 ). Ap­peared in The Hym­nal for Youth (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: West­min­ster Press, 1941), num­ber 86.

Calvin Laufer (1874–1938)


When the gold­en ev­en­ing ga­thered
On the shore of Ga­li­lee,
When the fish­ing boats lay qui­et by the sea,
Long ago the peo­ple won­dered,
Though no sign was in the sky,
For the glo­ry of the Lord was pass­ing by.

Not in robes of pur­ple splen­dor,
Not in silk­en soft­ness shod,
But in rai­ment worn with tra­vel came their God;
And the peo­ple knew His pre­sence
By the heart that ceased to sigh
When the glo­ry of the Lord was pass­ing by.

For He healed their sick at ev­en,
And He cured the le­per’s sore,
So that sin­ful men and women sinned no more;
And the world grew mirth­ful-heart­ed,
And for­got its mi­se­ry
When the glo­ry of the Lord was pass­ing by.

Not in robes of pur­ple splen­dor,
But in lives that do His will,
And in pa­tient acts of kind­ness He comes still;
And the peo­ple cry with won­der,
Though no sign is in the sky,
That the glo­ry of the Lord is pass­ing by.