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Scripture Verse

The God that answereth by fire, let Him be God. 1 Kings 18:24


Words & Mu­sic: Ar­thur W. Spoon­er, 1906 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Spooner (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


On the mount stood Eli­jah,
The brave man of God,
And his faith rose high as Heav­en in that hour;
Tho’ the priests cried, Hear, O Baal!
Still their pray­ers did not av­ail,
For no fire came down.
But no fire came down,
But no fire came down;
Then they cried, O hear us, Baal!
Still their pray­ers did not av­ail,
For no fire came down.

On the mount knelt Eli­jah, the pro­phet of God,
And he cried, O great Je­ho­vah,
Hear my pray­er!

And his cry was heard in Heav­en,
For the an­swer soon was giv­en,
And the fire came down.
Then the fire came down,
Then the fire came down;
And it lapped up the wa­ter,
And the stones of the al­tar,
When the fire came down.

In the up­per room as­sem­bled,
Knelt the lit­tle Church of God,
They were pray­ing, Bless­èd Mas­ter,
Send the pow­er
Then the flame swept down from glo­ry,
And the world has heard the sto­ry,
How the pow­er came down.
How the fire came down,
How the fire came down;
And the Church re­ceived her pow­er,
It be­gan that ve­ry hour,
When the fire came down.

We are wait­ing, bless­èd Mas­ter,
For an­oth­er Pen­te­cost,
And we’ve wait­ed till our hearts
Have wea­ry grown;
Let the wind blow fresh from Heav­en,
Let the pro­mised power be giv­en,
Let the fire come down!
Let the fire come down,
Let the fire come down,
Send the pow­er, O Ho­ly Spir­it,
Fall on us this ve­ry min­ute,
Let the fire come down.

Elijah’s Sacrifice Consumed
William Brassey Hole