…in like manner as ye have seen Him go into Heaven.
Acts 1:11
Words: Arranged from John Veilis by Daniel W. Whittle in Sacred Songs No. 1, edited by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (New York: Biglow & Main, 1896), number 39. Some hymnals give the arranger as El Nathan,
one of Whittle’s pseudonyms.
Music: James McGranahan (🔊
The night is long and dreary,
But breaking dawn is near;
The Lord in dazzling splendor
Shall speedily appear;
Our loved ones, calmly sleeping,
Have done with grief and pain;
We’ll meet them in the glory,
When Jesus comes again.
When Jesus comes again,
When Jesus comes again,
O day of joy and gladness,
When Jesus comes again.
Oh, joyful resurrection!
A blessèd hope
For those who sleep in Jesus,
From sin and sorrow freed;
And we, caught up
With them shall join the strain
Of praise for our salvation,
When Jesus comes again.
The signs
increase around us,
The heralds of the King;
O for the happy moment
When silver trumpets ring!
When, gathered to the Savior,
We echo the refrain—
Hosanna in the highest!
When Jesus comes again.
It cheers the drooping spirit,
It sets the soul on fire;
Our risen Lord is coming,
Our joy, and heart’s desire;
We’re longing to behold Him,
Who soon on earth shall reign;
O time of wondrous gladness,
When Jesus comes again.