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Scripture Verse

May the name of the Lord be praised. Job 1:21


Robert Bridges (1844–1930)

Words: From the Ka­thol­isch­es Ge­sang­buch (Würz­burg, Ger­ma­ny: cir­ca 1744) (Beim früh­en Mor­gen­licht). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ed­ward Cas­wall in Form­by’s Ca­tho­lic Hymns (Lon­don: 1854), & Ro­bert S. Bridg­es in the Yat­ten­don Hym­nal (Ox­ford, Eng­land: 1899).

Music: Laud­es Do­mi­ni Jo­seph Barn­by, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern (Lon­don: 1868) (🔊 ). Barn­by wrote the tune spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for this hymn.

Alternate Tune:

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


When morn­ing gilds the skies
My heart awak­ing cries:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and pray­er,
To Je­sus I re­pair:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

When you be­gin the day,
O nev­er fail to say,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
And at your work re­joice,
To sing with heart and voice,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

Whene’er the sweet church bell
Peals ov­er hill and dell,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
O hark to what it sings,
As joy­ous­ly it rings,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

My tongue shall nev­er tire
Of chant­ing with the choir,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
This song of sac­red joy,
It nev­er seems to cloy,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

Does sad­ness fill my mind?
A sol­ace here I find,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earth­ly bliss?
My com­fort still is this,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

To God, the Word, on high,
The host of an­gels cry,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
Let mor­tals, too, up­raise
Their voice in hymns of praise,
May Je­sus Christ be prais­ed!

Be this at meals your grace,
In ev­ery time and place;
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
Be this, when day is past,
Of all your thoughts the last
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

When mirth for mu­sic longs,
This is my song of songs:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
When ev­en­ing sha­dows fall,
This rings my cur­few call,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

When sleep her balm de­nies,
My si­lent spir­it sighs,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
When ev­il thoughts mo­lest,
With this I shield my breast,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

The night be­comes as day
When from the heart we say:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
The pow­ers of dark­ness fear
When this sweet chant they hear:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

No love­li­er an­ti­phon
In all high Heav’n is known
Than, Je­sus Christ be praised!
There to th’eter­nal Word
The eter­nal psalm is heard:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

Let all the earth around
Ring joy­ous with the sound:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
In Heav­en’s eter­nal bliss
The love­lie­st strain is this:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

Sing, suns and stars of space,
Sing, ye that see His face,
Sing, Je­sus Christ be praised!
God’s whole cre­ation o’er,
For aye and ev­er­more
Shall Je­sus Christ be praised!

In Heav’n’s eter­nal bliss
The love­lie­st strain is this,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
Let earth, and sea and sky
From depth to height re­ply,
May Je­sus Christ be praised!

Be this, while life is mine,
My can­ti­cle divine:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!
Sing this eter­nal song
Through all the ag­es long:
May Je­sus Christ be praised!