Scripture Verse

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Words: An­nie H. Bark­er, 1883.

Music: Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Barker (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)

I sang this hymn for the first time in the Free Trade Hall in Man­ches­ter [Eng­land], in 1883, at one of Mr. Mood­y’s meet­ings. The ser­vice was held at eight o’clock on a gloomy win­ter morn­ing. The hall was dens­ely crowd­ed and filled with mist, so much so that the peo­ple could hard­ly be dis­cerned at the far­ther end of the hall. I felt the need of some­thing to bright­en up the meet­ing, and then and there de­cided to launch this new song. It was re­ceived with much en­thu­si­asm, and at once be­came a fav­or­ite of Mr. Moody’s, and con­tin­ued to be so un­til his death.

Sankey, pp. 301–02


When the mists have rolled in splen­dor
From the beau­ty of the hills,
And the sun­light falls in glad­ness
On the ri­vers and the rills,
We re­call our Fa­ther’s pro­mise
In the rain­bow of the spray:
We shall know each oth­er bet­ter
When the mists have rolled away.


We shall know, as we are known,
Never more to walk alone,
In the dawn­ing of the morn­ing
Of that bright and hap­py day,
We shall know each oth­er bet­ter,
When the mists have rolled away.

Oft we tread the path be­fore us
With a wea­ry, hard­ened heart.
Oft we toil amid the sha­dows,
And our fields are far apart.
But the Sav­ior’s Come, ye bless­èd
All our la­bor will re­pay
When we ga­ther in the morn­ing
Where the mists have rolled away.


We shall come with joy and glad­ness,
We shall ga­ther round the throne.
Face to face with those that love us
We shall know as we are known.
And the song of our re­demp­tion
Shall re­sound through end­less day
When the sha­dows have de­part­ed
And the mists have rolled away.
