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Scripture Verse

Because I live, ye shall live also. John 14:19


Herbert Oakeley

Words: Anne Steele, Po­ems on Sub­jects Chief­ly De­vo­tion­al 1760: Christ the Life of the Soul.

Music: Ab­ends Her­bert S. Oake­ley, 1874 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When sins and fears pre­vail­ing rise,
And faint­ing hope al­most ex­pires;
Jesus, to Thee I lift my eyes,
To Thee I breathe my soul’s de­sires.

Art Thou not mine, my liv­ing Lord?
And can my hope, my com­fort die,
Fixed on Thy ev­er­last­ing word,
That word which built the earth and sky?

If my im­mor­tal Sav­ior lives,
Then my im­mor­tal life is sure;
His word a firm foun­da­tion gives,
Here let me build, and rest se­cure.

Here, let my faith un­shak­en dwell,
Immovable the pro­mise stands;
Nor all the pow­ers of earth or hell,
Can e’er dis­solve the sacr­ed bands.

Here, O my soul, thy trust re­pose;
If Je­sus is for ev­er mine,
Not death it­self, that last of foes,
Shall break a un­ion so di­vine.