Why did you doubt?
Matthew 14:31
Words: Carolyn W. Gillette, 2012.
Music: Aurelia Samuel S. Wesley, in A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, by Charles Kemble (London: John F. Shaw, 1864), number 122 (🔊
WHEN THOMAS HEARD FROM JESUS © 2012 Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Email: bcgillette@comcast.net. Web site: www.carolynshymns.com
When Thomas heard from Jesus,
Now come and follow me,
He surely went with gladness,
For there was much to see.
He witnessed Jesus’ teaching
And saw his healing touch;
He found a faith to guide him,
A friend he loved so much.
When Jesus spoke of heaven,
Bold Thomas dared to say,
We don’t know where you’re going!
How can we know the way?
He wanted understanding
Of what he could not see.
Then Jesus reassured him,
The way is here—through me.
When crowds began to murmur
And leaders raised their cry,
Brave Thomas spoke out firmly,
Let’s go with him and die.
He ate at Jesus’ table,
Partaking wine and bread;
Yet later with the others,
He saw the cross and fled.
What joy on Easter evening
When many saw the Lord!
Yet Thomas was not with them
And would not trust their word.
When Christ appeared before him,
His doubts were quickly gone;
He gladly knew that evening
The joy of Easter dawn.
That man of faith saw Jesus
At breakfast by the sea;
At Pentecost he witnessed
So others would believe.
O Lord, may we—like Thomas—
Keep growing day by day;
Increase our faith and guide us,
For Lord, you are the Way.