Scripture Verse

Thou, God, seest me. Genesis 16:13


William C. Bryant (1794–1878)

Words: Will­iam C. Bry­ant, Hymns (New York: pri­vate­ly print­ed, 1869), num­ber 13.

Music: Alet­ta Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, Ju­bi­lee (New York: Ma­son Bro­thers, 1858), page 232 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William Bradbury


When this song of praise shall cease,
Let Thy child­ren, Lord, de­part
With the bless­ing of Thy peace,
And Thy love in ev­ery heart.

Oh, wher­e’er our path may lie,
Father, let us not for­get
That we walk be­neath Thine eye,
That Thy care up­holds us yet.

Blind are we, and weak, and frail;
Be Thine aid for­ev­er near;
May the fear to sin pre­vail
Over ev­ery oth­er fear.