O God, the heathen are come into Thine inheritance; Thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.
Psalm 79:1
Words: ThoÂmas NewÂcomb, SacÂred Hymns (LonÂdon, EngÂland: John PemÂberÂton & John WalÂthoe, 1726), pages 92–96, alt.
Music: FolkÂingÂham from SupÂpleÂment to the New VerÂsion, by NaÂhum Tate & NiÂchoÂlas BraÂdy, 1700 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
Where Thou hast chosen to reÂside,
Great God, fair SaÂlem’s beauÂteÂous towÂers;
The heaÂthen, with a conÂqueror’s pride,
And with a foe’s reÂvenge deÂvours!
Thy temÂple round with slaughÂter red
Which we adÂore, as well as dread.
The ciÂty once Thy dwellÂing place,
With dust and ruins covÂered o’er,
Their rage o’erÂturns; their swords deÂface,
Made wet with wretchÂed JuÂdah’s gore;
No friends their dyÂing friends to mourn;
No eye to weep around their urn.
The vicÂtor’s fuÂry to alÂlay,
The boÂdies of our heÂroes slain
Become the wolves’ unÂtimeÂly prey,
The vulÂture’s food, on evÂery plain.
Whose blood, like waves, our wall surÂrounds,
That isÂsues from their streamÂing wounds.
Fair ZiÂon, once Thy dear deÂlight,
Does SyÂria’s loud deÂriÂsion grow;
Once great in arms, and famed in fight,
The scorn of each preÂvailÂing foe:
We sink beÂneath Thy jealÂous ire,
And near Thy blastÂing breath exÂpire.
Oh, turn Thy shafts! and let the foe,
Deriding now Thy mighÂty powÂer,
Thy anÂger feel; Thy fuÂry know
The venÂgeance of one fearÂful hour;
Who, whelmed in death, across each plain,
Shall dread Thy name, they now disÂdain!
The vale where silÂver JorÂdan strayed,
With his proÂpiÂtious stream emÂbraced;
Is, by proud EdÂom’s triÂumph, made
A scene of death! a frightÂful waste;
No sheaves our trodÂden furÂrows yield,
No harÂvests wave along the field.
Oh, drive and banÂish from Thy thought
That guilt which does our realms deÂstroy;
Before Thy eyes be nevÂer brought
Those sins that rob of us of each joy;
Our mournÂful land with slaughÂter fill,
And more than EdÂom’s fuÂry, kill.
Oh, with a parÂent’s piÂtyÂing care,
Sad JuÂdah’s wretchÂed kingÂdoms save;
And those whose jusÂtice canÂnot spare
Let Thy suÂperÂior merÂcy save;
Thy arm, that does our foe subÂdue,
Must be both strong and steaÂdy, too!
Assert Thy gloÂriÂous strength around,
Thy Heav’n, Thy might, and GodÂhead’s fame;
That imÂpiÂous worlds, with dread proÂfound,
May own, and tremÂble at Thy name;
Nor ask, in what Thy arm exÂcels,
Who is our God, or where He dwells?
Rise then, in all Thy fuÂry rise,
Be our avÂengÂing God once more;
Prostrate beÂfore our ravÂished eyes,
The naÂtions glutÂted with our gore;
Our speakÂing wounds inÂvoke Thy sky,
With a sad voice for venÂgeance cry!
Oh, let each sigh the capÂtives send,
From the dark priÂson where they moan
In sadÂness, to Thy Heav’n asÂcend,
And calm Thy wrath; and move Thy throne;
And let Thy powÂer, and piÂty save
The prisÂonÂers, desÂtined to the grave;
On imÂpiÂous naÂtions, that deÂride
Thy arm, a sevÂen-fold venÂgeance showÂer;
And crush the haughÂty scornÂer’s pride,
And quell the loud blasÂphemÂer’s powÂer.
That we Thy might in songs may raise,
As pleased to bless, as we to praise.