Whither thou goest, I will go.
Ruth 1:16
Words: Thomas E. Hall, in Wreath of Praise, by Asa Hull (New York; Cincinnati, Ohio; & Chicago, Illinois: Daniel W. Knowles, John Church & Henry A. Sumner, 1879), number 112.
Music: San Vicente Thomas E. Hall, 1879 (🔊
If you know Hall’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Where’er Thou goest, I will go,
Dear Savior, lead the way;
Just where, or how, I do not know,
But Thou’ll not lead astray.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go,
Near Thee I’ll keep each day;
Where’er Thou goest, I will go,
Thro’ all life’s weary way.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go,
Tho’ up the mountain steep;
A faithful guide Thou art, I know,
So close to Thee I’ll keep.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go,
Though in some lonely dell;
Thou wilt be there, how sweet to know,
And cheerless hours dispel.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go,
Through all my life’s rough way;
And at its end, I’ll pass, I know,
Into an endless day.