Scripture Verse

How long, O Lord? Revelation 6:10


John P. Hullah (1812–1884)

Words: James Ed­mes­ton, Mis­sion­ary Hymns 1822.

Music: Bent­ley John P. Hul­lah, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ed­mes­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When shall the voice of sing­ing
Flow joy­ful­ly along?
When hill and val­ley ring­ing
With one tri­um­phant song,
Proclaim the con­test end­ed,
And Him who once was slain,
Again to earth des­cend­ed,
In right­eous­ness to reign.

Then from the crag­gy mount­ains
The sac­red shout shall fly,
And sha­dy vales and fount­ains
Shall echo the re­ply;
High tower and low­ly dwell­ing,
Shall send the ec­ho round,
All hal­le­lu­jahs swell­ing
In one eter­nal sound.