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Scripture Verse

If the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have allowed his house to be broken into. Luke 12:39


Timothy Dwight (1752–1817)

Words: Ti­mo­thy Dwight, in his edi­tion of Watts’ Psalms, 1800.

Music: St. Cross (Dykes) John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 ).

John B. Dykes (1823–1876)


While life prolongs its precious light,
Mercy is found, and peace is giv’n;
But soon, ah soon, ap­proach­ing night
Shall blot out ev­ery hope of Heav­en.

While God in­vites, how blest the day!
How sweet the Gos­pel’s charm­ing sound!
Come sin­ners, haste, O haste away,
While yet a par­don­ing God is found.

Soon, borne on time’s most ra­pid wing
Shall death com­mand you to the grave,
Before His bar your spir­its bring,
And none be found to hear or save.

And in that land of deep des­pair
No Sab­bath’s heav’n­ly light shall rise,
No God re­gard your bit­ter pray­er,
No Sav­ior call you to the skies.

No won­ders to the dead are shown,
The won­ders of re­deem­ing love;
No voice His glo­ri­ous truth makes known,
Nor sings the bliss of climes above.

Silence, and so­li­tude, and gloom,
In those for­get­ful realms ap­pear:
Deep sor­rows fill the dis­mal tomb,
And hope shall nev­er en­ter there.