I will sing aloud of Thy mercy in the morning, for Thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.
Psalm 59:16
Words: Anne Steele, 1757, alt.
Music: Llef Griffith H. Jones, in Gamau Mawl, by David Jenkins, 1890 (🔊
While Justice waves her vengeful hand
Tremendous o’er a guilty land,
Almighty God, Thy awful power,
With fear and trembling, we adore.
Where shall we fly, but to Thy feet?
Our only refuge is Thy seat;
Thy seat, where potent mercy pleads,
And holds Thy thunder from our heads.
While peace and plenty blessed our days,
Where was the tribute of Thy praise?
Ungrateful race! How have we spent
The blessings which Thy goodness lent?
Pale famine now, and wasting war,
With threatening frown Thy wrath declare;
But war and famine are Thy slaves,
Nor can destroy when mercy saves.
Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye,
Though loud our crimes for vengeance cry,
Let mercy’s tender voice prevail,
Nor let Thy long suffering patience fail.
Encouraged by Thy sacred Word,
May we not plead the blest record,
That when a humble nation mourns,
Thy rising wrath to pity turns.
O let Thy sovereign grace impart
Contrition to each rocky heart,
And bid sincere repentance flow,
A general, undissembled woe.
Our arms, O God of armies, bless,
Thy hand alone can give success;
And make our haughty neighbors know
That Heaven protects us from our foe.
Fair smiling peace again restore,
With plenty bless the pining poor,
And may a happy, thankful land
Obedient own Thy guardian hand.