Scripture Verse

A still small voice. 1 Kings 19:12


Words & Mu­sic: James B. Mac­kay, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mac­kay (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesus found me wan­der­ing,
Far from Him as­tray,
Tenderly He led me
To the shin­ing way;
Words of peace He whis­pered,
Bade my fears de­part;
Oh, ’twas sweet to hear Him,
Whispering in my heart.


Whispering, whis­per­ing,
Oh, what joy is mine;
Whispering, whis­per­ing,
Words of love di­vine;
No strain of earth­ly mu­sic
Such rap­ture can im­part;
I’m glad I ev­er heard Him
Whispering in my heart.

I can hear Him whis­per,
When my soul is tried,
Fear not, I am with thee;
I am at thy side.

When the foe as­sails me,
Jesus takes my part;
I re­joice to hear Him
Whispering in my heart.


Would you hear the Sav­ior’s
Gentle voice with­in?
Now, while He is call­ing,
Leave the path of sin.
Peace that pass­eth know­ledge
Freely He’ll im­part;
You to­day may hear Him
Whispering in your heart.
