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Scripture Verse

Hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast. Hebrews 6:19


Septimus Winner (1827–1902)

Words & Mu­sic: Sep­ti­mus Win­ner, 1868 (🔊 ). Hym­nals oft­en give the au­thor as Al­ice Haw­thorne, one of Win­ner’s pseu­do­nyms.


Soft as the voice of an an­gel,
Breathing a les­son un­heard,
Hope with a gen­tle per­sua­sion
Whispers her com­fort­ing word:
Wait till the dark­ness is ov­er,
Wait till the tem­pest is done,
Hope for the sun­shine to­mor­row,
After the show­er is gone.


Whispering hope,
Oh how wel­come thy voice,
Making my heart in its sor­row re­joice.

If, in the dusk of the twi­light,
Dim be the re­gion afar,
Will not the deep­en­ing dark­ness
Brighten the glim­mer­ing star?
Then when the night is up­on us,
Why should the heart sink away?
When the dark mid­night is ov­er,
Watch for the break­ing of day.


Hope, as an an­chor so stead­fast,
Rends the dark veil for the soul,
Whither the Mas­ter has en­tered,
Robbing the grave of its goal.
Come then, O come, glad frui­tion,
Come to my sad wea­ry heart;
Come, O Thou blest hope of glo­ry,
Never, O nev­er de­part.
