Who is He, this King of Glory? The Lord Almighty—He is the King of Glory.
Psalm 24:10
Words: James M. Gray, 1908.
Music: Daniel B. Towner (🔊
Lift up your heads, ye gates eternal,
The King of Glory enters in,
Ascending to the throne supernal,
The conqueror of death and sin.
Who is the King of Glory?
He who overcame our enemy;
Who took our place at judgment bar,
And made His cross the victor’s car;
He is the King of Glory!
He is the King of Glory!
’Tis He who this round world hath founded,
And stablished it upon the flood;
And Satan’s hosts He hath confounded,
When on the cross He shed His blood.
Who shall approach His holy mountain,
Or stand within His holy place?
E’en he who bathed in Calvary’s fountain,
Hath been redeemed by Heaven’s grace.
The eye of faith e’en now discerneth
The King upon His Father’s throne,
And waits the hour when He returneth
To take the kingdom for His own.