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Scripture Verse

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8


Fred P. Green (1903–2000)

Words: Fred P. Green, 1970.

Music: De­us Tuo­rum Mi­li­tum Gre­no­ble An­ti­phon­er, 1753 (🔊 ).


Whom shall I send? our mak­er cries;
And ma­ny when they hear God’s voice,
Are sure where their vo­ca­tion lies;
But ma­ny shrink from such a choice.

For who can serve a God so pure,
Or claim to speak in such a name,
While doubt makes ev­ery step un­sure,
And self con­fus­es ev­ery aim?

And yet, be­liev­ing, God who calls
Knows what we are and still may be,
Our past de­feats, our fu­ture falls,
We dare to an­swer: Lord, send me!

Those who are called God pu­ri­fies,
And dai­ly gives us strength to bend
Our thoughts, our skills, our en­er­gies,
And life it­self to this one end.