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Scripture Verse

Whosoever will, let him take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17


Frank C. Huston (1871–1959)

Words: J. G. Bad­ger, ar­ranged by Frank C. Hus­ton, 1917.

Music: Ben­ning­ton Frank C. Hus­ton (🔊 ).

If you know Bad­ger’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Hus­ton, would you send us an e-mail?


Wondrous love of Je­sus! Spread the news around,
Pardon free­ly of­fered, what a joy­ful sound!
Jesus, lov­ing Sav­ior, died to set me free;
Oh, that bless­èd who­so­ev­er—that means me.


Pardon free­ly of­fered all who will be­lieve,
Whosoever com­eth, Je­sus will re­ceive;
Jesus, lov­ing Sav­ior, died to set me free,
Hallelujah! Who­so­ev­er—that means me.

Blessèd who­so­ev­er, bet­ter than my name,
Every soul in­clud­ed, though in guilt and shame;
Jesus brought sal­va­tion, pre­sent, full and free:
Whosoever is the mes­sage—that means me.


Whosoever com­eth may the pro­mise claim,
Precious blood of Je­sus cleans­eth ev­ery stain;
God so loved the sin­ner, oh! how could it be?
Whosoever, said the Sav­ior—that means me.
