Scripture Verse

Come unto Me. Matthew 11:28


Words: Ef­fie W. Loucks, 1901.

Music: Lou­is D. Eich­horn (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Loucks or Eich­horn (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O why not say Yes to the Sav­ior tonight?
He’s ten­der­ly plead­ing with thee
To come to Him now with thy sin bur­dened heart
For par­don so full and so free.


Why not say Yes to­night?
Why not? Why not?
While He so gent­ly, so ten­der­ly pleads,
O ac­cept Him to­night!

For with you the Spir­it will not al­ways plead—
O do not re­ject Him to­night!
Tomorrow may bring you the dark­ness of death,
Unbroken by heav­en­ly light.


Take Christ as your Sav­ior, then all shall be well,
The mor­row let bring what it may;
His love shall pro­tect you, His Spir­it shall guide,
And safe­ly keep you in His way.
