Scripture Verse

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10


Johann S. Bach (1685–1750)

Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Al­brecht von Bran­den­burg, cir­ca 1554 (Was mein Gott will, das g’scheh’ all­zeit). Com­po­site trans­la­tion from Ger­man to Eng­lish.

Music: Was mein Gott will, French tune. Har­mo­nized by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1750 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albrecht von Brandenburg (1522–1557)


The will of God is al­ways best
And shall be done for­ev­er;
And they who trust in Him are blest,
He will for­sake them ne­ver.
He helps in­deed in time of need
He chast­ens with for­bear­ing;
They who de­pend on God, their friend,
Shall not be left des­pair­ing.

God is my com­fort and my trust,
My hope and life abid­ing;
And to His coun­sel, wise and just,
I yield, in Him con­fid­ing.
The ve­ry hairs, His Word de­clares,
Upon my head He num­bers.
By night and day God is my stay,
He ne­ver sleeps nor slum­bers.

Lord Je­sus, this I ask of Thee,
Deny me not this fa­vor;
When Sa­tan sore­ly trou­bles me,
Then do not let me wa­ver.
Keep watch and ward, O gra­cious Lord,
Fulfill Thy faith­ful say­ing:
Who doth be­lieve He shall re­ceive
An an­swer to his pray­ing.

When life’s brief course on earth is run
And I this world am leav­ing,
Grant me to say, Thy will be done,
By faith to Thee still cleav­ing.
My heav’n­ly friend, I now com­mend
My soul in­to Thy keep­ing,
O’er sin and hell, and death as well,
Thro’ Thee the vic­t’ry reap­ing.