Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: Richard Jukes, in the Millennial Harp (Boston, Massachusetts: Joshua V. Himes, 1842). Some sources attribute the text to G. A. Stearns.
Music: Bengaluru B. A. Carter, 1895 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know Carter’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
We’re traveling home to Heav’n above,
Will you go? Will you go?
We sing the Savior’s dying love,
Will you go? Will you go?
Millions have reached that blest abode,
Anointed kings and priests to God,
And millions now are on the road,
Will you go? Will you go?
We’re going to see the bleeding Lamb,
Will you go, will you go?
In rapturous strains to praise His name,
Will you go, will you go?
The crown of life we there shall wear,
The conqueror’s palm our hands shall bear,
And all the joys of Heav’n we’ll share,
Will you go, will you go?
We’re going to join the heavenly choir,
Will you go, will you go?
To raise our voice and tune the lyre,
Will you go, will you go?
There saints and angels gladly sing
Hosanna to their God and king,
And make the heav’nly arches ring,
Will you go, will you go?
We’re going to walk the plains of light,
Will you go, will you go?
Where perfect day excludes the night:
Will you go, will you go?
Our sun will there no more go down,
In that blest world of great renown,
Our days of mourning past and gone,
Will you go, will you go?
Ye weary, heavy laden, come,
Will you go? Will you go?
In the blest house there still is room,
Will you go? Will you go?
The Lord is waiting to receive,
If thou wilt on Him now believe,
He’ll give thy troubled conscience ease,
Come believe, come believe.
The way to Heav’n is free for all,
Will you go? Will you go?
For Jew and Gentile, great and small,
Will you go? Will you go?
Make up your mind, give God your heart;
With every sin and idol part,
And now for glory make a start:
Will you go? Will you go?
The way to Heav’n is straight and plain,
Will you go? Will you go?
Repent, believe, be born again,
Will you go? Will you go?
The Savior cries aloud to thee,
Take up thy cross and follow Me,
And thou shalt My salvation see,
Come to Me, come to Me.