Scripture Verse

There were…shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:8


H. Walford Davies (1869–1941)

Words: Lou­is F. Ben­son, 1917.

Music: Town of Beth­le­hem H. Wal­ford Da­vies, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Louis Benson (1855–1930)


The win­ter night was dark and still,
The vil­lage lay asleep;
In mea­dows un­der­neath the hill
The shep­herds watched their sheep;
The shep­herds watched their sheep, good Lord,
But an­gels watched o’er Thee,
While Ma­ry held Thee to her heart,
And they sang ju­bi­lee.

And now the yule log glows aflame,
And winds with­out run wild,
We softly speak the bless­èd name
They gave Thee as a child,
They gave Thee as a child, good Lord;
O win­ter winds, be still!
O Christ­mas star, shine down again
On mea­dow and on hill!

Lord Je­sus, look from Heav’n above,
And come, Lord Je­sus, here:
To fill our home with Christ­mas love,
Our hearts with Christ­mas cheer,
Our hearts with Christ­mas cheer, good Lord;
And hap­py may we be,
All lads and maid­ens in our homes
And sail­or boys at sea.

O Mary’s Son, for her sweet sake
All wo­man­kind is blest;
We praise Thy name when first we wake,
And when we go to rest;
And when we go to rest, good Lord,
Our night­ly thanks are giv­en
For all good mo­thers—some on earth,
And some with Thine in Hea­ven.